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How To Be a Color Wizard: Discover the Magic of Natural Color - In Person

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How To Be a Color Wizard: Discover the Magic of Natural Color - In Person

Weekend Studio Arts Workshop

Sunday, September 29, 2024 - 2:15 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. ET
Code: 1E00PY
S. Dillon Ripley Center
1100 Jefferson Dr SW
Metro: Smithsonian (Mall exit)
Select your Registration
Member: 1 Adult-1 Child
Nonmember: 1 Adult-1 Child
Materials for this program

Please Note: This program's registration prices include adult and child combinations. A child must be accompanied by an adult to participate in this program. This workshop's target age for children is 8 to 12 years old. Space is limited!

In this magical workshop, color wizards ages 8 to 12 discover how nature uses color, the ways people created their palette in the past, and how to make their own colorful ink. They start by examining color in nature as they tour the Smithsonian’s Enid Haupt Garden. Then they go to the studio and get curious about the surprises hidden in the humble beet. Young wizards and their grownup assistants find a rainbow of colors and textures inside beets by experimenting with common household ingredients. The curiosity continues as they make personalized beet ink and test it on a variety of papers with brushes and markers. Students get a feel for the chemistry of pigments and the physics of light and color combined with the spirit of experimenting that makes learning feel like magic. Young wizards must be accompanied by an adult.

Workshop leader Jason Logan’s new children’s book, How To Be a Color Wizard: Forage and Experiment with Natural Art Making, is available for sale and signing. Logan is an artist and the founder of the Toronto Ink Company.

Special Program Information

  • The instructor is Jason Logan.
  • This program includes one 1.5-hour session.
  • NOTE: Registration will close for this program at 3 p.m. ET on Friday, September 27, 2024.

Additional Program Opportunity with Jason Logan

September 29: City of Colors: Inkmaking Workshop (this daytime workshop is for adults)

General Information

  • This studio arts program is in person and will not be recorded.
  • Please refer to the "Materials for this program" section for any applicable supply list information and/or special documents for this program.
  • Please note our Health and Safety guidance for this in-person program.
  • View Common FAQs about our Studio Arts programs.