Avoiding climate catastrophe means changing economies so that they don't bake the world. Pulling global financial systems through the pandemic required governments to put economies into the deep freeze without destroying them. Economist Robbie Mochrie explains how economic thinking is indispensable to tackling huge problems such as these.
Spanning Aristotle's ideas about restraining consumption, Adam Smith's thinking about the importance of moral character for sustained economic development, and Esther Duflo's ongoing work to help the world's poorest communities lift themselves out of poverty, Mochrie discusses how the greatest economic thinkers—including Karl Marx, Maynard Keynes, and Friedrich Hayek—have enabled us to see the world differently and figure out how we can make it better.
Mochrie shows that economic thinking emerged long before there were economists, and that good economics is about much more than the economy. His new book, How to Think Like an Economist (Bloomsbury), is available for purchase.
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