Inside Science is an ongoing series of expert-led programming. It is also a community of like-minded participants who have the opportunity to participate in a lively online learning exchange.
Whether you're a science fan or curious about the world around you, Inside Science offers a valuable and rewarding way to better understand science in the context of our lives.
According to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, science literacy is the “understanding of scientific processes and practices, familiarity with how science and scientists work, a capacity to weigh and evaluate the products of science, and an ability to engage in civic decisions about the value of science.”
We believe that everyone has the capacity to be a “science person,” and that when empowered with information, individuals can feel comfortable with scientific concepts and apply their knowledge to the world around them. Smithsonian Associates programs offer opportunities to expand and deepen your scientific literacy.
There are ten science topic areas of interest for you to use as a guideline with Inside Science programming. These categories will assist you in viewing upcoming programs.