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Introduction to iPhone Videography

Studio Arts Course
Introduction to iPhone Videography
This program is over. Hope you didn't miss it!

Introduction to iPhone Videography

2 Session Weekend Studio Arts Course

2 sessions from December 9 to 10, 2023
Code: 1E00AV
This program will not be recorded.
Select your Registration
Materials for this program

Learn the basics of filmmaking from pre-production to production to post-production using your iPhone. This workshop examines the iPhone’s camera and recording functions, provides production and editing techniques and tips for creating your visual story, and discusses third-party apps and accessories. Each participant creates a short video to share with the class. Introduction to iPhone Photography (or equivalent experience) is a prerequisite for this class, and iPhone models 10, 11, and 12 are recommended. Students should expect to pay $50 for apps and equipment (please see the supply list for details).

Special Program Information

  • The instructor is Peggy Feerick.
  • This program includes 2 sessions, 2.5 hours each.
  • NOTE: Registration will close for this program at 3 p.m. ET on Friday, December 8, 2023.
  • This program will not be recorded.

General Information

  • This studio arts program is a Zoom Meeting to allow for patron and instructor interaction online.
  • All Studio Arts programs require an online ticket for each participant so that the instructor can provide individual attention to every student registered for the online program.
  • Please refer to the "Materials for this program" section for any applicable supply list information and/or special documents for this program.
  • View Common FAQs and Policies about our Online Programs on Zoom.