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Finding Paradise in Montgomery County

Finding Paradise in Montgomery County
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Finding Paradise in Montgomery County

Sugarloaf Mountain and the Montgomery County Agricultural Reserve

All-Day Tour

Full Day Tour

Friday, June 7, 2019 - 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. ET
Code: 1ND028
Departs Mayflower Hotel, DeSales St side
1127 Conn. Ave NW; Fringe: I-270, Exit 6B
Best Western Rockville 1251 W Montgomery Ave
Select your Registration

Did you know there is rural beauty nearby to Washington that rivals the English countryside or Provence? Spend a June day exploring the verdant rolling hills of Montgomery County’s scenic 93,000 acre Agricultural Reserve and nearby Sugarloaf Mountain. Melanie Choukas-Bradley, a longtime resident of the reserve and author of two books about Sugarloaf, serves as guide and introduces some of her favorite places in this close-in slice of paradise bordering the Frederick County line.

Along the way, she covers two remarkable preservation stories: Gordon Strong’s lifelong mission to save Sugarloaf Mountain from development and keep it open for public enjoyment and education; and Montgomery County’s innovative farmland preservation program, which has served as a model for agricultural areas throughout the country and the world.

Visit lushly landscaped historic farms and meet farmers who offer a view of the progressive methods they employ to bring fresh strawberries, peaches, apples, and a myriad of vegetables to local markets. Step into an artist’s studio, explore historic sites, and take a short walk along one of the shaded and inviting trails of Sugarloaf Mountain.

Lunch is at Bassett’s Restaurant in Poolesville. Enjoy wine, cheese, and fresh strawberries at a local farm at the end of the day.

Fringe stop at about 9:10 a.m.

This tour includes lunch and afternoon refreshments; the tour involves walking and standing at most sites.