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Shahin Talishkhan

Shahin Talishkhan

Shahin Talishkhan was born in Baku, Azerbaijan, the son of noted painter Talat Shikhaliyev. Raised and trained in his father’s studio, Shahin also earned a formal degree in Visual Arts from Azerbaijan State Art College. In 1989, he began exhibiting his works in Europe, the Middle East, and the United States. His works are included in many private collections. Most noted for his oil paintings, Shahin’s work includes drawings, etchings, and video art. He also collaborates on large-scale public art projects with artist Valerie Theberge.

Shahin’s recent work explores early stages of visual perception. He is primarily concerned with intuitive and emotional aspects of sight. Shahin thinks of his paintings as charged with its own energy, alive and engaged with the people and environments around them.

This interest in visual perception also informs Shahin’s teaching practice. Through lectures, demonstrations, and direct instruction, he expands on formal theory and the popular practice of ‘Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain’ to help students see and paint with more depth and precision. Shahin lives and works in Washington, DC and is represented by Susan Calloway Gallery (Washington, DC). He teaches at the Smithsonian Associates Studio Arts program.

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