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Ann Richards

Ann Richards

Ann Richards, M.A., is a Certified Knitting Instructor through the Craft Yarn Council of America, and has taught knitting at the Smithsonian Institution since 2001. Her articles have appeared in Knitty magazine, and she was the editor of The Conscientious Knitter newsletter 2005-2009. Her fiber art has appeared at the Iron Gate Gallery at Touchstone Center for Craft.

Teaching Philosophy

Knitting with other people is one of the great joys of life. I look forward to going to class each session because it's wonderful to watch people knit for the first time, because of the friends I meet in classes, and because of the many, many laughs we've had along the way. I feel knitting should be a guilt-free activity, and something a knitter, old or new, should enjoy. This means a teaching style that is low-pressure, class members that are supportive of one another, and homework only when students have time and are inspired. Most adults know how they learn best, so I try to make a variety of teaching methods available: hands-on experience, demonstrations, written handouts, repeated explanations, step-by-step instructions, trial and error opportunities, and material review among others. Students are encouraged to ask questions and work at their own speed. My goal for the end of the class is that students look forward to knitting in the future as much as I look forward to teaching!

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