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Lost Civilizations: The Goths

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Lost Civilizations: The Goths

Afternoon Lecture/Seminar

Monday, May 23, 2022 - 12:00 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. ET
Code: 1J0174
This online program is presented on Zoom.
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The Goths are truly a “lost civilization.” After migrating from their ancient homeland of Scandza to settle north of the Black Sea, the original Goths were driven westward by the Huns, and in the years that followed, Gothic tribes sacked the imperial city of Rome and set in motion the decline and fall of the western Roman empire.

After the last Gothic kingdom fell more than a thousand years ago to the forces of Islam, the Goths disappeared as an independent people. Yet their contradictory legacy, as both barbaric destroyers and heroic champions of liberty, still influences our modern world.

David Gwynn, associate professor in Ancient and Late Antique History at Royal Holloway, University of London, brings together the interwoven stories of the original Goths and the diverse Gothic heritage, providing new insight into the complicated history of this great lost civilization.

Gwynn’s book The Goths: Lost Civilizations (Reaktion Books) is available for purchase.

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