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Meyer Auditorium

Freer Gallery of Art
12th Street and Independence Avenue, SW

Meyer Auditorium is located on the lower level of the Freer Gallery. Use the Independence Avenue entrance.

Metrorail Directions

  1. Smithsonian station, Blue/Orange/Silver Lines
  2. Exit on Independence Avenue and cross to the other side of Independence Avenue. Turn to your right and cross 12th street. Proceed East on Independence for a short walk.
  3. The Freer entrance is on your right.
  4. There is a handicapped entrance on Independence Avenue.
  5. There is also an entrance to the Freer Gallery on Jefferson Drive, but the Meyer Auditorium is on the Independence Avenue side.


  1. Parking on Independence Avenue opens at 6:30 p.m.
  2. Parking also available on Jefferson Drive on the Mall. Jefferson Drive is one-way west to east.
