Paste painting, a surface design technique, uses mark-making tools to manipulate pigmented paste to create beautiful decorative papers. These sheets can be used in books, collage, cards, and more. After you set up a work space on an available large, flat surface, such as a kitchen table or desk, you are able to create sheet after sheet of amazing papers. You can be precise with graining tools and specific patterns—or enjoy the wonder of color mixing with freeform abandon. Paste painting is also a great activity to share with kids.
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General Information
- This studio arts program is a Zoom Meeting to allow for patron and instructor interaction online.
- All Studio Arts programs require an online ticket for each participant so that the instructor can provide individual attention to every student registered for the online program.
- This program will be recorded. Please see our FAQ for recording terms and conditions.
- Please refer to the "Materials for this program" section for any applicable supply list information and/or special documents for this program.
- View Common FAQs and Policies about our Online Programs on Zoom.