The depiction of the human form on cave walls and the rendering of the figure throughout history, across cultures, and artistic styles, underscore the significance of its continued study. For centuries, artists have focused on figurative work and themes or like ways of working often materialized. One such group known as African-American Figuration artists worked in the mid-1900s and included Jacob Lawrence and Romare Bearden to name a few. Students make use of this venerated artistic form in this course designed to help develop their skill in capturing the figure on paper.
Emphasis is placed on advanced elements of composition, anatomy, use of illusions, and finding individual artistic direction. Working from live models, students are encouraged to draw accurate or aesthetically strong works based on the figure.
Open to students of all levels. Students work in the drawing medium of their choice. Model fees are included in tuition.
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Instructor: Max-Karl Winkler
8 sessions, 3 hours each (no class May 22)