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The Great Suffrage March of 1913: The Final Push for the 19th Amendment

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The Great Suffrage March of 1913: The Final Push for the 19th Amendment

Evening Program with Book Signing and Morning Walking Tour

2 sessions, from March 1 to 14, 2018
Code: 1B0244
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The 2 programs included in this series are:

When more than 5,000 suffragists and supporters marched down Pennsylvania Avenue on the eve of Woodrow Wilson’s inaugural, they made history—and marked a newly energized phase of a decades-long fight. Join author Rebecca Boggs Roberts as she traces the heroic struggle of suffrage leader Alice Paul and the National Woman’s Party as they worked to earn the vote.

When more than 5,000 suffragists and supporters marched down Pennsylvania Avenue on the eve of Woodrow Wilson’s inaugural, they made history—and marked a newly energized phase of a decades-long fight. Join author Rebecca Boggs Roberts as she traces the heroic struggle of suffrage leader Alice Paul and the National Woman’s Party as they worked to earn the vote. Includes a rescheduled morning walking tour on March 14.

This program and tour combination is also available on:


The Woman Suffrage Procession of March 3, 1913, was the first civil rights march to use the nation’s capital as a backdrop. Despite 60 years of relentless campaigning by suffrage organizations, by 1913 just 6 states allowed women to vote. Then suffragist Alice Paul came to Washington, D.C.

Paul planned a grand spectacle on Pennsylvania Avenue the day before Woodrow Wilson’s inauguration—marking the beginning of a more aggressive strategy on the part of the suffrage movement.

Riding atop a white horse in a flowing white cape and gold crown, lawyer and activist Inez Milholland led more than 5,000 suffragists and supporters—along with more than 20 parade floats, 9 bands, and 4 mounted brigades—down the city’s major ceremonial avenue. Some of the marchers were attacked and injured, bringing new attention to what had become a flagging campaign.

The parade also marked the beginning of more aggressive tactics to gain the vote. Over the next several years, groups of women protested and picketed outside the White House, burned the president’s speeches, and gave fiery speeches of their own as they campaigned nationwide. Some were arrested, thrown into jail, and force-fed when they started hunger strikes.

The suffragists were nonetheless clearly heard: Their strategies finally led to the ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1920. Join author Rebecca Boggs Roberts as she traces the heroic struggle of Alice Paul and the National Woman’s Party as they worked to earn the vote.

Before joining Smithsonian Associates as a program coordinator, Roberts was program director of Congressional Cemetery, where she began her interest in the city’s suffragist history. Her new book, Suffragists in Washington, D.C. (The History Press), is available for signing.

Program Location: S. Dillon Ripley Center, 1100 Jefferson Dr. SW, Washington, DC


Retracing the Great March of 1913

Despite major opposition, Alice Paul insisted that the 1913 suffrage march would head straight down Pennsylvania Avenue from the Capitol to the White House. Retrace that historic parade route as Rebecca Bogg Roberts leads a walking tour beginning at the current home of the National Woman’s Party and ending in Lafayette Square, where the militant suffragists planned and picketed.

Tour Location: Participants meet in front of the Belmont-Paul Women’s Equality National Monument (Sewall-Belmont House) at 144 Constitution Ave, NE

Other Connections

View film and images from the 1913 suffrage parade as well as its centennial celebration, and learn from staff members of the Sewell-Belmont House how the event organized by Alice Paul dramatically changed the public perception of the women behind the fight for the vote.

Photo caption (upper right): Suffrage parade in Washington, D.C. (Library of Congress)