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The Reel World: True-Story Films of World War II

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The Reel World: True-Story Films of World War II

Evening Lecture/Seminar

Thursday, February 17, 2022 - 6:30 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. ET
Code: 1H0675
This program is part of our
Smithsonian Associates Streaming series.
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Seventy years on, the global cataclysm known as World War II, as well as its withering aftermath, continues to capture the attention and imaginations of filmmakers around the world. From films by classical directors like Alfred Hitchcock (Saboteur) to those from more modern, technically stunning visual stylists such as Steven Spielberg (Saving Private Ryan), this devastating conflict between nations still inspires filmmakers to create work that attempts to address the how and why of such an unfathomable event.  

Drawing on a variety of clips, Marc Lapadula, a Yale film professor, explores how several films portray historical figures and real-life incidents that profoundly impacted and devastated lives, including The Pianist (Roman Polanski), Patton (Franklin Schaffner), Saving Private Ryan (Steven Spielberg), Julia (Fred Zinnemann), and The Bridge at Remagen (John Guillermin).

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