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The Hawk's Way: Encounters with Fierce Beauty

The Hawk's Way: Encounters with Fierce Beauty
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The Hawk's Way: Encounters with Fierce Beauty

Evening Lecture/Seminar

Thursday, June 30, 2022 - 6:45 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. ET
Code: 1K0266
This online program is presented on Zoom.
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When author and naturalist Sy Montgomery spent a day at falconer Nancy Cowan’s New England farm, home to a dozen magnificent birds of prey, it was the start of a deep love affair. That’s when she met Jazz, a feisty, four-year-old female Harris’s hawk with a wingspan of more than four feet. Not a pet, Jazz was a fierce predator with talons that could pierce skin and bone, and yet she was willing to work with a human to hunt.

Montgomery fell under the magnetic spell of the hawk, and over the next few years she spent more time with these creatures, getting to know their extraordinary abilities and instincts. Deeply emotional animals, hawks are quick to show anger and frustration and can hold a grudge for years. But they are also loyal and intensely aware of their surroundings. In a fascinating program highlighted by splendid color photos, Montgomery recalls her time in the world of hawks and shares what they can teach us about nature, life, and love.

Her book, The Hawk’s Way: Encounters with Fierce Beauty (Atria Books), is available for purchase.

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