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Death and Beyond: Comparative Reflections on World Religious Traditions

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Death and Beyond: Comparative Reflections on World Religious Traditions

Weekend All-Day Lecture/Seminar

Saturday, November 19, 2022 - 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET
Code: 1M2233
This online program is presented on Zoom.
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Materials for this program

Issues of death, dying, and the meaning of life—and the afterlife—hold key places in the belief systems of the major religious traditions of the world. Graham M. Schweig, a professor of philosophy and religions at Christopher Newport University and Graduate Theological Union, surveys differing visions of these themes from a variety of Eastern and Western cultural perspectives. Stories, teachings, and rituals from the major faiths, as well as contemporary interpretations, are examined to illuminate the ultimate life event: death.

9:30–10:45 a.m.  Comparative Religions and Life After Death

What is religion? And what is the role of death, dying, and the afterlife in world religions? Explore these topics as well as conceptions of the soul and the human struggle for purpose and meaning among the three major global religious systems.

11 a.m.–12:15 p.m.  Semitic Traditions

Visions of death and the afterlife from the ancient Middle Eastern traditions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: key figures and tenets.

12:15–1:15 p.m..  Break

1:15–2:30 p.m.  East Asian Traditions

Conceptions of death and the afterlife in Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto, and Buddhism.

2:45–4 p.m.  South Asian Traditions and Modern Reflections

Hinduism, Jainism, and Sikhism are examined, as well as contemporary interpretations on themes of death, dying, and the afterlife.

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