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Artful Mind, Tranquil Mind

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Artful Mind, Tranquil Mind

6 Session Afternoon Studio Arts Course

6 sessions from July 19 to August 23, 2021
Code: 1V00RZ
This program is part of our
Smithsonian Associates Streaming series.
Select your Registration
Materials for this program

Artists throughout the world and the centuries have developed practices that allow them to center themselves, find calm, and prepare for making art. The same techniques can be helpful in everyday life as well, offering both a quiet escape and a spark for your imagination.

Combining exercises from her art and bookmaking practice, instructor Sushmita Mazumdar will guide students in exploring mark-making with lines, swirls, and puddles, and use paper to experiment with folding and tearing.

Students may use supplies found around the home in combination with a kit ($10) to be ordered from the instructor. Please view the Supply List details below for ordering information. No experience with art making is necessary; just bring an open mind and a curious heart.

This class will be recorded.  Please see our FAQ for recording terms and conditions.

Other Information

  • The instructor is Sushmita Mazumdar.
  • 6 sessions, 1 hour each
  • This studio arts program is a Zoom Meeting to allow for patron and instructor interaction.

Patron Information

  • If you register multiple individuals, you will be asked to supply individual names and email addresses so they can receive a Zoom link email. Please note that if there is a change in program schedule or a cancellation, we will notify you via email, and it will be your responsibility to notify other registrants in your group.
  • Unless otherwise noted, registration for streaming programs typically closes two hours prior to the start time on the date of the program.
  • Once registered, patrons should receive an automatic email confirmation from
  • Separate Zoom link information will be emailed closer to the date of the program. If you do not receive your Zoom link information 24 hours prior to the start of the program, please email Customer Service for assistance.
  • View Common FAQs about our Streaming Programs on Zoom.