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Gift Planning

Build your legacy by supporting Smithsonian Associates’ mission with a gift in your estate.

Planned giving offers a meaningful opportunity to support Smithsonian Associates' mission of providing lifelong learning experiences, while also enjoying income and tax benefits for you and your heirs. By making a legacy gift, you play a key role in sustaining our vibrant community of lifelong learners for generations to come.

Most legacy giving opportunities enable you to:

  • Retain control of your assets during your lifetime.
  • Change your beneficiaries at any time.
  • Provide for loved ones and one of the largest education programs in the world.
  • Make your gift in honor or memory of a loved one.
  • Designate your gift intent to benefit Smithsonian Associates.
  • Leave a gift of any size.
  • Receive invitations to special programs and learning experiences.

Join our learning community by becoming a valued member of our Legacy Society today!

Learn about our Legacy Society

Begin the Conversation

I invite you to connect with us and discover how planned giving through the Smithsonian Associates Legacy Society can make a meaningful impact on both your future and ours.
Elizabeth Maloney
Director of Advancement
(202) 633-8697

Have you already included Smithsonian Associates in your estate plan, or would you like more information?

If you have already included Smithsonian Associates in your estate plans, please let us know so we can express our heartfelt thanks and warmly welcome you into our Legacy Society. If you're interested in learning how to include Smithsonian Associates in your estate plans, we’d be happy to provide more information. Either way, just fill in and submit the following information and we'll be in touch!

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Last name:
Email address:
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Looking for more ways to give?

There are many ways you can support Smithsonian Associates and make a meaningful impact!