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Youth Teaching Assistants (YTA)

About You

Your Education

Your Contact Information

Postal Address

Your Availability

Select the weeks for which you would like to be a YTA. Keep in mind your summer schedule, and only request weeks for which you are able to work. You must be willing to work any camp during the week(s) you have requested and be able to attend all weekdays for the sessions you are assigned. You are expected to be available from 8:15 am to 5:00 pm each day. If your availability changes, please notify Camp Staff as soon as possible at

What is the maximum number of weeks you would like to be a YTA for us this summer?

Your Interests

Select at least three subjects that interest you.

Camper Age Groups

Which age group of campers are you most interested in working with?

Qualifications/Previous Experience

Have you successfully completed YTA Boot Camp?
Have you been a YTA at Smithsonian Summer Camp before?
Have you been a camp counselor at another camp before?

Do you have any experience working with children (babysitting, tutoring, etc.)?

Do you have any related special skills or interests (academic or otherwise) that would contribute to your work as a YTA?

Adult Reference

Provide the name, email address, and relationship of an adult reference who is not a family member. We will contact them and provide them with a short reference form to complete.