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Stories of the First Ladies

Stories of the First Ladies
This program is over. Hope you didn't miss it!

Stories of the First Ladies

In-Person Program

Weekend Tour

Sunday, October 13, 2024 - 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET
Code: 1CWC01
Tour meets at Freedom Plaza
1325 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC
Select your Registration

From Martha Washington to Jill Biden, each woman who has served in the role of first lady of the United States has a story. During a walking tour of the area around the White House, A Tour of Her Own staff members share a few of these sagas.

The tour begins in Freedom Plaza with a view of the Capitol. Get a glimpse of the Willard Hotel, where first ladies Grace Coolidge and Florence Harding lived. See the exterior of the residence of Dolley Madison, nicknamed the second White House, and learn how Jacqueline Kennedy preserved Lafayette Square from destruction. View the White House from both the north and south gates for a full llook at where the first family resides and where the legacy of all the first ladies lives on.

Know Before You Go

  • Tour participants meet at Freedom Plaza, 1325 Pennsylvania Ave. NW and ends in Lafayette Square Park in Washington, DC.
  • Sturdy walking shoes, bottled water, and comfortable clothes are recommended.
  • The tour involves approximately 1 mile of walking and is 2 hours in length.

Additional Date Options for this Tour

General Information

  • Registration for this tour will end by 2 p.m. ET on Friday, October 11, 2024.
  • Smithsonian Associates is a mask-friendly environment. Please feel free to bring and wear a mask at any time during a tour, both for your safety or the safety of others.
  • As we aim to move away from single use water bottles, guests are strongly encouraged to get in the habit of bringing their own reusable water bottle on tour.
  • For additional tour information: