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Music of Johann Sebastian Bach

Music of Johann Sebastian Bach
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Music of Johann Sebastian Bach

Smithsonian Chamber Music Society In-Person Concert

Evening Performance

Saturday, November 5, 2022 - 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. ET
Code: 1P0764
National Museum of American History
Nicholas and Eugenia Taubman Hall of Music
14th St & Constitution Ave NW
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Materials for this program

Registration and Other Terms: Before you register, please refer to our in-person program procedural documentation to learn about our current terms and conditions. CDC and Smithsonian COVID-19 guidelines in effect at the time of the program will be followed.

The Smithsonian Chamber Music Society performs five contrapuntal masterpieces by the greatest of Baroque composers:

  • Three Sonatas for Harpsichord and Viola da gamba obbligato
  • Concerto in C Major for Two Harpsichords
  • Ricercar à 6 from The Musical Offering

The concerts feature four gamba-playing Smithsonian Haydn Academy Fellows (Chelsea Bernstein, Wade Davis, Catherine Slowik, and Arnie Tanimoto) joined by harpsichordist/gambists Joseph Gascho and SCMS director Kenneth Slowik.

Additional Smithsonian Chamber Music Society Performances

General Information

  • Registration for this performance will end by 2 p.m. ET on Friday, November 4, 2022.
  • No series tickets are available.