If the 19th century featured the Europeanization of the world, and the 20th century its Americanization, then the 21st century is the time of Asianization.
From investment portfolios to trade wars, Hollywood movies to holiday travels, the influence of Asia on our lives continues to grow. Asian economic and technological self-sufficiency is exploding. With the U.S. tech sector dependent on Asian talent, and politicians praising Asia’s glittering cities and efficient governments, the region has claimed a growing place in America’s national consciousness.
Drawing on his new book The Future Is Asian: Commerce, Conflict and Culture in the 21st Century, global strategy advisor Parag Khanna examines why the Asian Century is a phenomenon larger than we thought. Far greater than just China, the new Asian system taking shape spans Saudi Arabia to Japan, and Russia to Australia: 5 billion people linked through trade, finance, and infrastructure networks representing 40% of the global GDP.
Khanna examines why there’s no more important region for us to better understand now and why we should be ready to see the world—and the future—from the Asian point of view.
Khanna is founder and managing partner of FutureMap, a data- and scenario-based strategic advisory firm in Singapore, and the author of six books on global economics and technology.
The Future Is Asian (Simon & Schuster) is available for sale and signing.